Grass Fed Benefits
Researchers at Chico State University reviewed decades of research and concluded that grass fed beef is better for those seeking a diet lower in saturated fat and higher in "good fats". Grass fed beef typically contains up to 50% more “good fats” than regular beef. These good fats are the long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found mostly in fish. Grass fed beef also is higher in other beneficial nutrients including vitamins A and E, higher levels of antioxidants, and up to seven times the beta-carotene of other beef.
All our animals are grass-fed, including our Chef's Choice Wagyu Steers. In addition to the grass fed benefit these Full Blood Wagyu cattle obtain, they also are gifted genetically with an even higher healthy “good fat” content than other breeds of grass-fed cattle.